Senin, 11 November 2019


Second language acquisition has continuity with the first language acquisition. The term second language acquisition is the acquisition of which began at age 3 or 4 years. Second language acquisition is important for each individual to be able to interact properly in its environment. For most children in Indonesia, the Indonesian language is not their first language, but a second
language, or third. Introduction / Indonesian mastery can occur through a process of acquisition or the learning process. Acquisition process occurs naturally, unconsciously, through no formal interaction with parents and / or peers, without guidance.

Second language can be defined based on the sequence, ie, obtained or learned the language after the child master the language first (B1) or the mother tongue. Language acquisition, as language learning, can be seen from several theories, the theory of acculturation, accommodation theory, discourse theory, the theory of the monitor, competence theory, the theory of universal hypotheses, and theories neurofungsional.

1)        Acculturation Theory
Acculturation is the process of adjustment to a new culture (Brown, 1987:129). These theories view language as a cultural expression of the most obvious and can be observed and that the new acquisition process will be seen from the way people looked at each other between the B1 and B2. Although it may not be so precise, this theory can be used to explain the acquisition process has begun B2 when the child begins to adapt itself to the culture of B2, the use of words such as greeting, voice tone, word choice, and otherEducation rules. In this theory, social distance andpsychological distance will determine the success of obtaining children.

2)        Theory of Accommodation
B1 and B2 look at the theory, for example, as two distinct groups. This theory attempts to explain the relationship between the two groups is dynamic.

3)        Discourse Theory
       This theory is very suitable to be applied in the context of this conversation. Language acquisition in terms of how children discover the meaning potential through participation in the communication language. Cherry (via Ellis, 1986:259) emphasizes the importance of communication as an effort to develop the rules of language structure.

4)        Monitor Theory
       Theory of Krashen (1977) this view of language acquisition as a constructive creative process. Monitor is a tool used to edit the child's performance (verbal performance) the language. This Monitor work using the competency "learned".

5)        Competence Theory of Variable
       This theory can be seen that the acquisition reflected B2 and how language is used. The product consists of products planned languages ​​(such as mimicking the story or dialogue) and unplanned (such as everyday conversation).

6)        Universal Theory Hypothesis
       This theory believes that there are linguistic universals that determine the course of acquisition B2.

7)        Theory Neurofungsional

       Language acquisition is closely related to the nervous system, particularly Broca's area (area of ​​verbal expressive) and Wernicke's (comprehension area). Nevertheless, the association area, visual, speech and tone also play a role. Thus, the actual language acquisition also involves the brain child and left.

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